29 Sep

The internet truly evolved when it announced the birth of an entirely new industry that would result in revolutionizing the marketing industry. We're discussing Digital Marketing, a concept that has transformed how businesses communicate with their customers, frequently combining technology and raw creativity to deliver profitable results.

Candidates with excellent degrees but no experience are frequently passed over in favor of candidates with a proven track record. So the question arises, how to land a job without any prior experience? To decode this, veterans writing digital marketing books come as a guide.

Here Are The List Of Digital Marketing Books For 2022-

1. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Now 

The Book by Gary Vaynerchuk is a digital marketing book that you must read, describes the principles of inbound marketing really well. The author of the book turned from an entrepreneur to a social media expert and this book is categorized as one of the classics.

The book's main premise is that you should provide useful information to your audience three times more frequently than you should post promotional material.

It's an excellent guide on how to create high-quality engaging content and contextually adapt it for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and mobile devices.

2. Epic Content Marketing

The Author of the book Joe Pulizzi describes everything you need to understand about creating relevant content for your target audience, establishing your company, and transforming your potential customers' user experience.

The author of the digital marketing book, Pulizzi the co-founder of Content Marketing Insitute is an expert in running content marketing for different companies. The book is considered a holy book for content marketing. The book can be served as a great learning tool that it can be served as an alternative book for MBA-level courses.

3. Hacking Growth

This digital marketing book has been co-founded by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown. This book introduces the concept of cross-functional teams, as well as fast testing and iteration loops that enable hyper-growth. The book also has some fantastic stories from some of the world's most recognizable brands, including IBM, Walmart, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Uber. It's a very simple and inspiring read.

Sean Ellis the co-founder of the book is considered to introduce the term “growth hacking”.

4. Hooked

Hooked by Nir Eyal is a book about introducing the idea of creating a product and marketing your brand in a way that encourages your customers to form habits. And once they're "hooked," you can cultivate customer loyalty and establish yourself as a truly great brand.

Nir Eyal is a professor at Standford Business and has contributed to a lot of pathbreaking research in human psychology.

5. Hug Your Haters

Jay Baer, the author of the digital marketing book discusses the psychology behind a complaint by a customer, the response they are expecting and the way to properly engage in order to maintain your good standing online.

The book deals with a critically important topic of customer service how a few complaints by customers on social media can literally destroy a company's reputation overnight.

To understand Digital Marketing in detail, you can enroll yourself for an MBA in Digital Marketing at the Business Institute of Business Studies (BIBS), one of the best MBA institutes in Kolkata.

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